Capcut Fonts

Capcut is a popular video editing app that allows users to add text to their videos. With Capcut, you can choose from a wide array of font styles including standard Capcut fonts as well as creative fonts. Download the updated version of Capcut mod APK with premium features. Get Capcut Arabic Fonts and show your creativity to your fan following.

Fonts Plays essential role in editing and creativity. When you add text in image or video people can easily understand the meaning of your project. You can get collection of fonts for Capcut like Dafont, Urdu fonts for Capcut, free fonts, Google Fonts, the bold font, Cool text fonts, Coolvetica fonts, Wes anderson fonts, Arabic Fonts, lemon milk font Capcut, starborn font Capcut, fetching font Capcut and more. Choose your favorite text from best Capcut fonts list.

Number of Fonts100 Plus
Types of FontStandard & Custom
QualityHigh Quality
DownloadsOver 100K
Capcut Fonts

Popular Capcut Fonts

Find the latest collection of popular fonts of Capcut Pro APK. Capcut offers the wide range of Capcut fonts for edit. Here are the detail of standard and creative fonts. You can download Capcut Urdu Fonts as well

New York Font

The New York font in Capcut APK is a popular choice for titles and subtitles because of its elegant and classy look. The font is a serif font, which means each letter ends in a decorative stroke. This gives the font a sophisticated and timeless look to the title.

New York Capcut Fonts

Bright Font

The Bright font in Capcut Mod APK is a bold and eye-catching font that is perfect for titles and other text that needs to stand out. The font is sans-serif, which means it doesn’t have the decorative strokes at the end of each letter that serif fonts have. This gives the Bright font a clean and modern look.

Bright Popular Capcut Fonts

Lobster Font

Lobster is a decorative font that is ideal for creating fun and playful designs. It is a good choice for titles, subtitles, and body text in videos about fashion, lifestyle, and travel.

In addition to its large, rounded letters, the lobster font has a slightly irregular spacing. This gives the font a whimsical and handwritten look. You can also choose from a variety of lobster font weights, from light to bold, for greater flexibility when creating your video.

Lobster Capcut Fonts

Lemon Milk Font

Furthermore, It is a handwritten font with bold, rounded letters. Because of its unique and stylish design, Lemon Milk is a popular font in Capcut. It’s a good choice for videos about fashion, lifestyle, and travel since it has a playful and friendly vibe.

Lemon Milk Font Capcut

Times New Roman Font

Times New Roman is a classic serif font that has been around for over 90 years. In addition to being available in Capcut, it is also a popular choice for print media and digital media.

This font is suitable for a variety of purposes, including titles, subtitles, and body text. It is a clear and easy-to-read font that looks good in both large and small sizes.

Times New Roman Font

Read More: How to use Capcut?

How to Add/Import Fonts to Capcut?

To add or import fonts to Capcut mod APK follow these given steps.

  • Download Zip File: There are a variety of websites where you can download fonts, such as Google Fonts, Font Squirrel, and Dafont. You can download from Google Chrome and Safari browser. Zip file given below the steps.
  • Extract Zip File: You must extract the font files from the zip file before you can import them into the Capcut APK.
  • Add Text: Click on new project and add your text file. Write the font which you want to use in the project.
  • Choose Font: Select your favorite fonts style. You can explore other Capcut fonts to enhance your project with funky text.
  • Customization: You can add text animations, and filters to the text. Which will looks like more attractive and grab users.


Yes absolutely, Capcut mod APK is available for Caput for PC and iOS devices.

Yes, Capcut pro mod APK is free for the users. You can download from our website we provide safe and secure apps.

Yes, Capcut is banned in India and other countries. But you can download Capcut pro 2023. Install Capcut VPN and install app easily.

Capcut mod 2023 APK is modified version. So there are the various developers behind the versions of Capcut APK.

Final Verdicts

To conclude, CapCut offers a diverse range of fonts that give your videos a stylish appearance.
In addition to personalizing their content, users can enhance its visual appeal with an array of options. It is possible to add a unique touch to your storytelling by experimenting with different fonts in CapCut. Discover the perfect font that suits your video content and engages your audience by exploring, trying out, and finding the right style.